Your coach for Greener living

Independent, out-of-the-box thinker and producer.

My story

Influences: South American colours and shapes.

Western European culture and way of life.


1 year Textile Art, Design and Fashion at Ulster University Belfast

1 year Communication Management Hogeschool Utrecht

4 years Graphic Design College - Mediacollege Amsterdam

The practical thinker

Growing up in Germany, I learned how to do all things correctly. When thinking creatively, I had to let go of some of the travelled roads, and be more inventive. This freedom makes it possible to be open to new developments.

After the year 2020, I started to seriously look closer into how to reduce my own consumer costs; live more sustainable; eat healthier. In short, live life with nature and humans in mind.

While most of the things about the creative process will be forgotten, the end result speaks excellence in all I do and create.